Alpha Beta Sigma Sorority, Incorporated

Photo Album
Our Sisterhood
Sorority Quick Facts
Press Release
Uncrowned Queens
National Board
Beta Boutique
Sickle Cell Awareness

Welcome to the National Website of
The Enlightened Women of
Alpha Beta Sigma Sorority, Incorporated!


 Dear Sorors and Friends


Hello and welcome to the National Website of Alpha Beta Sigma Sorority, Inc. We are an organization comprised of women from all over the globe whose main purpose is to serve as a positive catalyst for our communities through various educational and philanthropic endeavors. We continue to uphold these principles and goals by recommitting ourselves to the business of cultivating every aspect of the community and our people.


We understand that what we do locally is just as important as what we do nationally,  therefore we charge each member of the organization with the responsibility to uplift, strengthen and encourage other women to strive for community building and preservation through not only transnational, but locally with other women of color.    


As the organization understands that the health of the community is essential to its growth and productivity we have recently been instrumental in establishing a comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic in Buffalo, NY.


It is our hope that your journey through our website will enable you to have a better understanding of Alpha Beta Sigma as women, as an organization, and as a welcoming place for women who share the vision of providing service to the world community, while simultaneously fostering familial bonds of sisterhood.


We would like to thank you for visiting our site and please feel free to share your comments, opinions, and suggestions via our guestbook. Please feel free to contact us at


Conclusively Alpha Beta Sigma would like to encourage everyone to charge themselves with the responsibility of community building, activism, and respect and care for all humanity to ensure a positive future. 




Shavonne Wyche, M.A.H

National President

Alpha Beta Sigma Sorority, Inc.




Congratulations to our
Spring 2007 Neos


"Called Together by a Need, Stayed Together by Faith

Family  by Choice, Sisters for Life"