Since 1998 this sisterhood has been a genuine
family. From dinner at a sister's house to chapter programming we have always been a family. That is what is special
and unique about this sorority. We are family by choice. Our sisterhood is driven by friendship and our friendship
is genuine.
The founders faced serious obstacles in
establishing this illustrious organization. This only strenghtened their bond and intensified their friendship, which
has been passed on to all sorors. Our sisterhood is a place where we can laugh, cry, agree, disagree while always maintaining
loyalty to ourselves, each other and our organization.
To those of you who have stumbled upon this
organization in search of something different, we thank you for your interest in our sisterhood. For those of you who
have chosen a BETA way of life...welcome home.
"Long live our Astounding Beautiful Sisterhood!"
"Desea vivo nuestra Hermandad Hermosa que Asombra!"